This is my first "real" tripod! Tried to stick with something that wouldn't be too heavy to carry through the airports but that was still sturdy enough to use everywhere. This thing weighs about 3lbs. Hopefully, that won't be too bad.
This looks like it's going to be the perfect fit for me. Like how there's so many positions without having to re-adjust or move the tripod. Even better is that it's made in the USA!
More info. here:
M-Rock McKinley 524
I've been looking for a moderately priced laptop/camera bag combo rollerbag for a few months now. Got a great price on a sea green one of this. There's plenty of room for my laptop, camera gear, and all the paperwork and books I need to take with me when I travel. It's not too "ugly" to take into the office everyday either. It'll be great to have all my gear in one place when II'm on the road. My only concern now is lifting the thing over my head to store in the overhead compartments. We'll have to see how that goes.
Do you have a photo blog?
ReplyDeleteWow! I look forward to hearing how you like the tripod/ball head. I'm looking to buy something in the next couple months.
ReplyDeleteHey KB- nope...I might some day, but right now, it's just not something I think I would keep up.
ReplyDeleteWho knows...maybe someday.
Erin - shot with the tripod for the first time this weekend. Hated it! But....I don't think it's the tripods fault and it certainly isn't the ballhead's fault. I've just never shot with a tripod before and dragging it around every where (I was at the beach) was annoying the snot out of me. I have always just hand held a camera so I think it's going to take some getting used to.
Check back in a couple weeks and I'll let ya know what I'm thinking then.
Need to buy a remote shutter release next....