I've gotten a couple new pieces of kit over the last couple weeks.
First I bought a "Flip" video recorder. So far, all I've managed to record is a couple seconds each of my mom being annoyed with me recording her, and a friend being annoyed with my recording her. Next step..the Oscars.
I really want to try this thing out for real doing "The One Thing" excerise from Facebook.
The idea is to find a wise friend, I have a few so that's easy, and ask them "If there were only ONE THING you could tell me, what would it be". I want to record their answer or have them write it down on a paper, which I can then photograph them with. I'm not quite sure yet which direction I want to take this.
I'm sure it would be a quite awkward moment for someone to be asked a question like that. I'd want to capture what they say, when they say it, but not intimidate them with a camera while they think. guess I'll just have to give it a go and see what happens eh?
Secondly, yesterday I finally caved in and just bought an iphone. Got a pretty good tax refund, so felt like it was ok to splurge a bit. Plus, I have some folks that call pretty regularly and do nothing but complain about how crap my old phone service was. Finally just got tired of all the whinging ;-) Tonight I get to load up my ipod and download some apps.
Any ideas of which ones I need?