Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hookers and Robbers

I so want to plan a liturgy with this as the song leading up to sharing communion.
It's the one thing frustrating about not being in the same state as the church you belong to. ;-)
Well...that and the fact that communion is not as big a deal to the guy that pastors the church as it is to me.
Iona community has a wonderful prayer that would go with this song. It was read at the emerging church conference. I'll have to dig it out and include it later.


  1. My only problem with this video is that we are not really the hosts of this party, Jesus is.
    At best, we're the wait staff..

    Otherwise I really love this song!

  2. oh yeah..and that its not a liturgical church....but other than that...I'm all over it!
