Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Quotable Quotes

” So much of what we deal with in day to day life is personal, subjective, emotional, reactionary, hurt, etc. None of this is dealt with in most Preaching, apologetics, exegesis or Eisegesis, eschatology, Soteriology ecclesiastical, etc. So the place where most of us spend our time, in the real world, has very little if anything to do where we are taught, exhorted, and even threatened to stay. We operate in the day to day world but are expected to think in the pseudo other world of the “apologetic” .

So what do we do, we spend much of our time, hand waving about how we dont hurt, we dont need, we understand, we accept, we have dealt with it, etc. When in reality we do hurt, we dont understand, we dont accept, we do need. Others do the same and thus we are accepted, Jesus stands at the door and knocks, wanting to explain, heal, accept, understand, deal with it, and just plain love us. Basically we are broken people who need a savior”

- brian at Phoenix Preacher

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