Saturday, May 12, 2007

Culture and Humour

Recently at a blog I frequent, there was a big brouhaha about some silly links a friend posted. In my opinion, the images are a bit goofy and immature, kinda like my friend, but certainly nothing to get all worked up over.

This got me to thinking about how so much of what we label "inappropriate" has to do with culture rather than content. You'd think in 21st century America, adults would just laugh off stuff like this for the silliness it is.

My goodness, if they ever went into any Toby Carvery ( a family resturant chain in the UK) these "delicate flowers" would just faint straight away. The walls of that place are covered with silly, old, cartoon postcards with drawings of nude people in all kinds of compromising and awkward situations.

Humour like that is everywhere in Europe, and no one's getting wound up about it as far as I could tell.

There's a much different idea of what is funny and what is obscene in Europe. They understand that human bodies are funny! Aw come on now....they are too! They are ridiculous really. If you don't believe me, just go look at yourself buck naked in a full length mirror. How can you possibly say that is not funny?

I'm posting those images here as a act of protest and solidarity with my friend, but mostly, because in that goofy, immature way, I think they're funny!

This one is not of a human body, but of a dressed up animal. Just how the heck offensive can it be?

I'll let you be the judge of that.

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