Sunday, January 18, 2009

Logo Learning Part 6

Fif is right, the lettering isn't correct., mostly cause I was basically just having a grown up, artistic, "temper tantrum' because I was sick to death of the whole idea of having to make a church logo be "masculine" instead of inclusive...but, really, I just needed to remember the C.A.R.P lessons of good design of Robin Williams (not that Robin Willams). Without it, you end up with CRAP.

C - contrast
A - alignment
R - repitition
P - proximity
I had some contrast, but not quite enough in the font. I don't think it's colour as much as the fact that the contrast between the two letters that was missing.

Next and last...attempt at this one...all out of my system now.


  1. Please - get rid of the pink... pepto bismal.

  2. Please - get rid of the pink... pepto bismal.

  3. LOL!!! All righty then.......apparently lesson 7 is "don't use pink"
